Change log¶
2019.1.0 (2019-04-19)¶
Support for shape calculus operations, see file:
Support for PETSc and SLEPc 3.10.
Documented Python elastodynamics demo.
Various bug fixes, e.g. memory leaks, build issues.
Enhancements and additions to pybind11-based Python interface.
2018.1.0 (2018-06-14)¶
Remove python2 support.
Remove SWIG (now use pybind11 for wrapping C++)
from fenics import *
, usefrom dolfin import *
etc. toLogLevel.ERROR
2017.2.0 (2017-12-05)¶
. Now useUnitSquareMesh
with cell type qualifiers.Remove
without cell type. Now you must explicitly specify CellType when opening aMesh
. UseMesh::num_entities
instead.Improved mesh topology computation performance.
Remove excessive calls to MPI init. It may now be necessary in some cases to explicitly intialise MPI.
Improvements to sparsity pattern computation.
Addition of some interfaces using
in addition todolfin::Array(View)
. ``dolfin::Array(View)``interfaces will be removed in favour of Eigen interfaces in the next release.Update pkg-config (dolfin.pc) file.
CMake modernisations, with more use of exported targets.
Add experimental pybind11 generated Python interface. Will replace the SWIG generated interface in the 2018.1 release.
Remove redundant SLEPc interfaces. Fixes issue #908.
Bump required Boost version to 1.55.
Remove PETScUserPreconditioner (was unused and untested).
Remove VTK plotting backend. Plotting is no longer available from the C++ interface. Basic plotting is available using
backends via theplot()
free function in the Python interface. Users are advised to move to e.g. Paraview for more demanding plotting needs.Updates for
interface change.Add new methods
to write and read (checkpoint) functions.Implement marking vertex and edge mesh functions by
flag.Fix quadratic scaling in PETSc matrix allocation with global dofs; assembly with
space now exhibits linear scaling in number of dofs.Add assembly for quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes with CG and DG elements.
Updates for some demos and tests to show usage of quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes.
(equivalent to2*Circumradius
) in favour of newCellDiameter
; addMinCellEdgeLength
Deprecate subclassing of
in Python; new Python classUserExpression
introduced for user overloadsDeprecate
; useMeshFunction
2017.1.0 (2017-05-09)¶
Refactor PETScLUSolver to use functionality from PETScKrylovSolver. Simplify interface for solving transposed systems. Fixes #815.
Switch default Python version to Python 3. Use -DDOLFIN_USE_PYTHON3=off to build with Python 2.
Remove redundant
functions (use solve with bool argument instead)Remove OpenMpAsssmebler
Remove MPI communicator as argument in GenericVector::init functions (communicator should be passed via constructor)
to prevent memory corruption problems (does not affect Python interface)Fix XDMF3 output of time series. The default output method is now to assume that all functions have different meshes, and that the meshes change from time step to time step. Two parameters control the output, one limits each function to only one mesh for the whole time series, turn off the default on parameter
to enable this. You can also make all functions share the same mesh and time series, which currently is better supported in Paraview than the alternative, turn onfunctions_share_mesh
for this. These two parameters can also be combined in case all functions share the same mesh at all time steps. This creates minimal size files.Add
constructor accepting both communicator and typeExpression(“f[0]*f[1]”, f=obj) notation now supported for non-scalar GenericFunction obj
Expression(“f”, f=obj) notation now supports obj of MeshFunction types (only cell based)
Fix MPI deadlock in case of instant compilation failure
Allow using
as context manager and addtimed
decorator to measure timings of functions and methodsAdd
and support preconditioning matrix inNewtonSolver
2016.2.0 [2016-11-30]¶
Updates to XDMFFile interface, now fully supporting MeshFunction and MeshValueCollection with multiple named datasets in one file (useful for volume/boundary markers). Time series now only when a time is explicitly specified for each step. Full support for ASCII/XML XDMF.
Improved X3DOM support
Improved detection of UFC
Add CMake option -DDOLFIN_USE_PYTHON3 to create a Python 3 build
Require CMake version 3.5 or higher
Add pylit to generate demo doc from rst
More careful checks of Dirichlet BC function spaces
Change definition of FunctionSpace::component()
Adaptive solving now works for tensor-valued unknowns
Improve logging of PETSc errors; details logged at level TRACE
2016.1.0 [2016-06-23]¶
Remove support for ‘uint’-valued MeshFunction (replaced by ‘size_t’)
Major performance improvements and simplifications of the XDMF IO.
Remove Zoltan graph partitioning interface
Add new algorithm for computing mesh entiites. Typical speed-up of two with gcc and four with clang. Reduced memory usage for meshes with irregularly numbered cells.
Remove STLMatrix, STLVector, MUMPSLUSolver and PastixLUSolver classes
Remove PETScPreconditioner::set_near_nullspace and add PETScMatrix::set_near_nullspace
Build system updates for VTK 7.0
Remove XDMF from File interface. XDMF is XML based, and has many possibilities for file access, which are not accessible through the limited File interface and “<<” “>>” operators. Instead of File, use XDMFFile, and use and XDMFFile.write() for I/O. Demos and tests have been updated to show usage. XDMF now also supports ASCII I/O in serial, useful for compatibility with users who do not have the HDF5 library available.
Require polynomial degree or finite element for Expressions in the Python interface (fixes Issue #355,
Switch to Google Test framwork for C++ unit tests
Fix bug when reading domain data from mesh file for a ghosted mesh
Add interface for manipulating mesh geometry using (higher-order) FE functions: free functions set_coordinates, get_coordinates, create_mesh
Fix bug when reading domain data from mesh file for a ghosted mesh.
Remove reference versions of constructors for many classes that store a pointer/reference to the object passed to the constructor. This is an intrusive interface change for C++ users, but necessary to improve code maintainabilty and to improve memory safety. The Python interface is (virtually) unaffected.
Remove class SubSpace. Using FunctionSpace::sub(…) instead
Remove reference versions constructors of NonlinearVariationalSolver
Remove setting of bounds from NonlinearVariationalSolver (was already available through NonlinearVariationalProblem)
Update Trilinos support to include Amesos2, and better support from Python
Rewrite interface of TensorLayout and SparsityPattern; local-to-global maps now handled using new IndexMap class; GenericSparsityPattern class removed
Remove QT (was an optional dependency)
PETScTAOSolver::solve() now returns a pair of number of iterations (std::size_t) and whether iteration converged (bool)
Better quality refinement in 2D in Plaza algorithm, by choosing refinement pattern based on max/min edge ratio
Removed refine_cell() method in CellTypes
Enable marker refinement to work in parallel for 1D meshes too
Add std::abort to Python exception hook to avoid parallel deadlocks
Extend dof_to_vertex_map with unowned dofs, thus making dof_to_vertex_map an inverse of vertex_to_dof_map
Clean-up in PyDOLFIN function space design, issue #576
Deprecate MixedFunctionSpace and EnrichedFunctionSpace in favour of initialization by suitable UFL element
Add experimental matplotlib-based plotting backend, see mplot demo
Remove method argument of DirichletBC::get_boundary_values()
Change return types of free functions adapt() to shared_ptr
1.6.0 [2015-07-28]¶
Remove redundant pressure boundary condition in Stokes demos
Require Point in RectangleMesh and BoxMesh constructors
Remove BinaryFile (TimeSeries now requires HDF5)
Add (highly experimental) support for Tpetra matrices and vectors from Trilinos, interfacing to Belos, Amesos2, IfPack2 and Muelu.
Enable (highly experimental) support for Quadrilateral and Hexahedral meshes, including some I/O, but no assembly yet.
Enable UMFPACK and CHOLMOD solvers with Eigen backend
Add an MPI_Comm to logger, currently defaulted to MPI_COMM_WORLD allowing better control over output in parallel
Experimental output of quadratic geometry in XDMF files, allows more exact visualisation of P2 Functions
Remove GenericMatrix::compressed (see Issue #61)
Deprecate and PETScKryloveSolver::set_nullspace() and add PETScMatrix::set_nullspace()
Remove uBLAS backend
Remove UmfpackLUSolver and CholmodSolver
Add EigenMatrix/Vector::data()
Remove GenericMatrix/Vector::data() and GenericMatrix/Vector::data() (to use backends that support data(), cast first to backend type, e.g. A = A.as_backend_type()
Remove cmake.local, replaced by
Make interior facet integrals define - and + cells ordered by cell_domains value.
Remove deprecated arguments *_domains from assemble() and Form().
Change measure definition notation from dx[mesh_function] to dx(subdomain_data=mesh_function).
Set locale to “C” before reading from file
Change GenericDofMap::cell_dofs return type from const std::vector<..>& to ArrayView<const ..>
Add ArrayView class for views into arrays
Change fall back linear algebra backend to Eigen
Add Eigen linear algebra backend
Remove deprecated GenericDofMap::geometric_dim function (fixes Issue #443)
Add quadrature rules for multimesh/cut-cell integration up to order 6
Implement MPI reductions and XML ouput of Table class
list_timings() is now collective and returns MPI average across processes
Add dump_timings_to_xml()
Add enum TimingType { wall, user, system } for selecting wall-clock, user and system time in timing routines
Bump required SWIG version to 3.0.3
Increase default maximum iterations in NewtonSolver to 50.
Deprecate Python free function homogenize(bc) in favour of member function DirichletBC::homogenize()
1.5.0 [2015-01-12]¶
DG demos working in parallel
Simplify re-use of LU factorisations
CMake 3 compatibility
Make underlying SLEPc object accessible
Full support for linear algebra backends with 64-bit integers
Add smoothed aggregation AMG elasticity demo
Add support for slepc4py
Some self-assignment fixes in mesh data structures
Deprecated GenericDofMap::geometric_dimension()
Experimental support for ghosted meshes (overlapping region in parallel)
Significant memory reduction in dofmap storage
Re-write dofmap construction with significant performance and scaling improvements in parallel
Switch to local (process-wise) indexing for dof indices
Support local (process-wise) indexing in linear algerbra backends
Added support for PETSc 3.5, require version >= 3.3
Exposed DofMap::tabulate_local_to_global_dofs, MeshEntity::sharing_processes in Python
Added GenericDofmap::local_dimension(“all”|”owned”|”unowned”)
Added access to SLEPc or slepc4py EPS object of SLEPcEigenSolver (requires slepc4py version >= 3.5.1)
LinearOperator can now be accessed using petsc4py
Add interface (PETScTAOSolver) for the PETSc nonlinear (bound-constrained) optimisation solver (TAO)
Add GenericMatrix::nnz() function to return number of nonzero entries in matrix (fixes #110)
Add smoothed aggregation algerbraic multigrid demo for elasticity
Add argument ‘function’ to project, to store the result into a preallocated function
Remove CGAL dependency and mesh generation, now provided by mshr
Python 2.7 required
Add experimental Python 3 support. Need swig version 3.0.3 or later
Move to py.test, speed up unit tests and make tests more robust in parallel
Repeated initialization of PETScMatrix is now an error
MPI interface change: num_processes -> size, process_number -> rank
Add optional argument project(…, function=f), to avoid superfluous allocation
Remove excessive printing of points during extrapolation
Clean up DG demos by dropping restrictions of Constants: c(‘+’) -> c
Fix systemassembler warning when a and L both provide the same subdomain data.
Require mesh instead of cell argument to FacetArea, FacetNormal, CellSize, CellVolume, SpatialCoordinate, Circumradius, MinFacetEdgeLength, MaxFacetEdgeLength
Remove argument reset_sparsity to assemble()
Simplify assemble() and Form() signature: remove arguments mesh, coefficients, function_spaces, common_cell. These are now all found by inspecting the UFL form
Speed up assembly of forms with multiple integrals depending on different functions, e.g. f*dx(1) + g*dx(2).
Handle accessing of GenericVectors using numpy arrays in python layer instead of in hard-to-maintain C++ layer
Add support for mpi groups in jit-compilation
Make access to HDFAttributes more dict like
Add 1st and 2nd order Rush Larsen schemes for the PointIntegralSolver
Add vertex assembler for PointIntegrals
Add support for assembly of custom_integral
Add support for multimesh assembly, function spaces, dofmaps and functions
Fix to Cell-Point collision detection to prevent Points inside the mesh from falling between Cells due to rounding errors
Enable reordering of cells and vertices in parallel via SCOTCH and the Giibs-Poole-Stockmeyer algorithm
Efficiency improvements in dof assignment in parallel, working on HPC up to 24000 cores
Introduction of PlazaRefinement methods based on refinement of the Mesh skeleton, giving better quality refinement in 3D in parallel
Basic support for ‘ghost cells’ allowing integration over interior facets in parallel
1.4.0 [2014-06-02]¶
Feature: Add set_diagonal (with GenericVector) to GenericMatrix
Fix many bugs associated with cell orientations on manifolds
Force all global dofs to be ordered last and to be on the last process in parallel
Speed up dof reordering of mixed space including global dofs by removing the latter from graph reordering
Force all dofs on a shared facet to be owned by the same process
Add FEniCS (‘fenics’) Python module, identical with DOLFIN Python module
Add function Form::set_some_coefficients()
Remove Boost.MPI dependency
Change GenericMatrix::compresss to return a new matrix (7be3a29)
Add function GenericTensor::empty()
Deprecate resizing of linear algebra via the GenericFoo interfaces (fixes #213)
Deprecate MPI::process_number() in favour of MPI::rank(MPI_Comm)
Use PETSc built-in reference counting to manage lifetime of wrapped PETSc objects
Remove random access function from MeshEntityIterator (fixes #178)
Add support for VTK 6 (fixes #149)
Use MPI communicator in interfaces. Permits the creation of distributed and local objects, e.g. Meshes.
Reduce memory usage and increase speed of mesh topology computation
1.3.0 [2014-01-07]¶
Feature: Enable assignment of sparse MeshValueCollections to MeshFunctions
Feature: Add free function assign that is used for sub function assignment
Feature: Add class FunctionAssigner that cache dofs for sub function assignment
Fix runtime dependency on checking swig version
Deprecate DofMap member methods vertex_to_dof_map and dof_to_vertex_map
Add free functions: vertex_to_dof_map and dof_to_vertex_map, and correct the ordering of the map.
Introduce CompiledSubDomain a more robust version of compiled_subdomains, which is now deprecated
CMake now takes care of calling the correct generate-foo script if so needed.
Feature: Add new built-in computational geometry library (BoundingBoxTree)
Feature: Add support for setting name and label to an Expression when constructed
Feature: Add support for passing a scalar GenericFunction as default value to a CompiledExpression
Feature: Add support for distance queries for 3-D meshes
Feature: Add PointIntegralSolver, which uses the MultiStageSchemes to solve local ODEs at Vertices
Feature: Add RKSolver and MultiStageScheme for general time integral solvers
Feature: Add support for assigning a Function with linear combinations of Functions, which lives in the same FunctionSpace
Added Python wrapper for SystemAssembler
Added a demo using compiled_extension_module with separate source files
Fixes for NumPy 1.7
Remove DOLFIN wrapper code (moved to FFC)
Add set_options_prefix to PETScKrylovSolver
Remove base class BoundarCondition
Set block size for PETScMatrix when available from TensorLayout
Add support to get block compressed format from STLMatrix
Add detection of block structures in the dofmap for vector equations
Expose PETSc GAMG parameters
Modify SystemAssembler to support separate assembly of A and b
1.2.0 [2013-03-24]¶
Fixes bug where child/parent hierarchy in Python were destroyed
Add utility script dolfin-get-demos
MeshFunctions in python now support iterable protocol
Add timed VTK output for Mesh and MeshFunction in addtion to Functions
Expose ufc::dofmap::tabulate_entity_dofs to GenericDofMap interface
Expose ufc::dofmap::num_entity_dofs to GenericDofMap interface
Allow setting of row dof coordinates in preconditioners (only works with PETSc backed for now)
Expose more PETSc/ML parameters
Improve speed to tabulating coordinates in some DofMap functions
Feature: Add support for passing a Constant as default value to a CompiledExpression
Fix bug in dimension check for 1-D ALE
Remove some redundant graph code
Improvements in speed of parallel dual graph builder
Fix bug in XMDF output for cell-based Functions
Fixes for latest version of clang compiler
LocalSolver class added to efficiently solve cell-wise problems
New implementation of periodic boundary conditions. Now incorporated into the dofmap
Optional arguments to assemblers removed
SymmetricAssembler removed
Domains for assemblers can now only be attached to forms
SubMesh can now be constructed without a CellFunction argument, if the MeshDomain contains marked celldomains.
MeshDomains are propagated to a SubMesh during construction
Simplify generation of a MeshFunction from MeshDomains: No need to call mesh_function with mesh
Rename dolfin-config.cmake to DOLFINConfig.cmake
Use CMake to configure JIT compilation of extension modules
Feature: Add vertex_to_dof_map to DofMap, which map vertex indices to dolfin dofs
Feature: Add support for solving on m dimensional meshes embedded in n >= m dimensions
1.1.0 [2013-01-08]¶
Add support for solving singular problems with Krylov solvers (PETSc only)
Add new typedef dolfin::la_index for consistent indexing with linear algebra backends.
Change default unsigned integer type to std::size_t
Add support to attaching operator null space to preconditioner (required for smoothed aggregation AMG)
Add basic interface to the PETSc AMG preconditioner
Make SCOTCH default graph partitioner (GNU-compatible free license, unlike ParMETIS)
Add scalable construction of mesh dual graph for mesh partitioning
Improve performance of mesh building in parallel
Add mesh output to SVG
Add support for Facet and cell markers to mesh converted from Diffpack
Add support for Facet and cell markers/attributes to mesh converted from Triangle
Change interface for auto-adaptive solvers: these now take the goal functional as a constructor argument
Add memory usage monitor: monitor_memory_usage()
Compare mesh hash in interpolate_vertex_values
Add hash() for Mesh and MeshTopology
Expose GenericVector::operator{+=,-=,+,-}(double) to Python
Add function Function::compute_vertex_values not needing a mesh argument
Add support for XDMF and HDF5
Add new interface LinearOperator for matrix-free linear systems
Remove MTL4 linear algebra backend
Rename down_cast –> as_type in C++ / as_backend_type in Python
Remove KrylovMatrix interface
Remove quadrature classes
JIT compiled C++ code can now include a dolfin namespace
Expression string parsing now understand C++ namespace such as std::cosh
Fix bug in Expression so one can pass min, max
Fix bug in SystemAssembler, where mesh.init(D-1, D) was not called before assemble
Fix bug where the reference count of Py_None was not increased
Fix bug in reading TimeSeries of size smaller than 3
Improve code design for Mesh FooIterators to avoid dubious down cast
Bug fix in destruction of PETSc user preconditioners
Add CellVolume(mesh) convenience wrapper to Python interface for UFL function
Fix bug in producing outward pointing normals of BoundaryMesh
Fix bug introduced by SWIG 2.0.5, where typemaps of templated typedefs are not handled correctly
Fix bug introduced by SWIG 2.0.5, which treated uint as Python long
Add check that sample points for TimeSeries are monotone
Fix handling of parameter “report” in Krylov solvers
Add new linear algebra backend “PETScCusp” for GPU-accelerated linear algebra
Add sparray method in the Python interface of GenericMatrix, requires scipy.sparse
Make methods that return a view of contiguous c-arrays, via a NumPy array, keep a reference from the object so it wont get out of scope
Add parameter: “use_petsc_signal_handler”, which enables/disable PETSc system signals
Avoid unnecessary resize of result vector for A*b
MPI functionality for distributing values between neighbours
SystemAssembler now works in parallel with topological/geometric boundary search
New symmetric assembler with ability for stand-alone RHS assemble
Major speed-up of DirichletBC computation and mesh marking
Major speed-up of assembly of functions and expressions
Major speed-up of mesh topology computation
Add simple 2D and 3D mesh generation (via CGAL)
Add creation of mesh from triangulations of points (via CGAL)
Split the SWIG interface into six combined modules instead of one
Add has_foo to easy check what solver and preconditioners are available
Add convenience functions for listing available linear_algebra_backends
Change naming convention for cpp unit tests test.cpp -> Foo.cpp
Added cpp unit test for GenericVector::operator{-,+,*,/}= for all la backends
Add functionality for rotating meshes
Add mesh generation based on NETGEN constructive solid geometry
Generalize SparsityPattern and STLMatrix to support column-wise storage
Add interfaces to wrap PaStiX and MUMPS direct solvers
Add CoordinateMatrix class
Make STLMatrix work in parallel
Remove all tr1::tuple and use boost::tuple
Fix wrong link in Python quick reference.
1.0.0 [2011-12-07]¶
Change return value of IntervalCell::facet_area() 0.0 –> 1.0.
Recompile all forms with FFC 1.0.0
Fix for CGAL 3.9 on OS X
Improve docstrings for Box and Rectangle
Check number of dofs on local patch in extrapolation
1.0-rc2 [2011-11-28]¶
Fix bug in 1D mesh refinement
Fix bug in handling of subdirectories for TimeSeries
Fix logic behind vector assignment, especially in parallel
1.0-rc1 [2011-11-21]¶
33 bugs fixed
Implement traversal of bounding box trees for all codimensions
Edit and improve all error messages
Added [un]equality operator to FunctionSpace
Remove batch compilation of Expression (Expressions) from Python interface
Added get_value to MeshValueCollection
Added assignment operator to MeshValueCollection
1.0-beta2 [2011-10-26]¶
Change search path of parameter file to ~/.fenics/dolfin_parameters.xml
Add functions Parameters::has_parameter, Parameters::has_parameter_set
Added option to store all connectivities in a mesh for TimeSeries (false by default)
Added option for gzip compressed binary files for TimeSeries
Propagate global parameters to Krylov and LU solvers
Fix OpenMp assemble of scalars
Make OpenMP assemble over sub domains work
DirichletBC.get_boundary_values, FunctionSpace.collapse now return a dict in Python
Changed name of has_la_backend to has_linear_algebra_backend
Added has_foo functions which can be used instead of the HAS_FOO defines
Less trict check on kwargs for compiled Expression
Add option to not right-justify tables
Rename summary –> list_timings
Add function list_linear_solver_methods
Add function list_lu_solver_methods
Add function list_krylov_solver_methods
Add function list_krylov_solver_preconditioners
Support subdomains in SystemAssembler (not for interior facet integrals)
Add option functionality apply(“flush”) to PETScMatrix
Add option finalize_tensor=true to assemble functions
Solver parameters can now be passed to solve
Remove deprecated function Variable::disp()
Remove deprecated function logging()
Add new class MeshValueCollection
Add new class MeshDomains replacing old storage of boundary markers as part of MeshData. The following names are no longer supported: - boundary_facet_cells - boundary_facet_numbers - boundary_indicators - material_indicators - cell_domains - interior_facet_domains - exterior_facet_domains
Rename XML tag <meshfunction> –> <mesh_function>
Rename SubMesh data “global_vertex_indices” –> “parent_vertex_indices”
Get XML input/output of boundary markers working again
Get FacetArea working again
1.0-beta [2011-08-11]¶
Print percentage of non-zero entries when computing sparsity patterns
Use ufl.Real for Constant in Python interface
Add Dirichlet boundary condition argument to Python project function
Add remove functionality for parameter sets
Added out typemap for vector of shared_ptr objects
Fix typemap bug for list of shared_ptr objects
Support parallel XML vector io
Add support for gzipped XML output
Use pugixml for XML output
Move XML SAX parser to libxml2 SAX2 interface
Simplify XML io
Change interface for variational problems, class VariationalProblem removed
Add solve interface: solve(a == L), solve(F == 0)
Add new classes Linear/NonlinearVariationalProblem
Add new classes Linear/NonlinearVariationalSolver
Ad form class aliases ResidualForm and Jacobian form in wrapper code
Default argument to variables in Expression are passed as kwargs in the Python interface
Add has_openmp as utility function in Python interface
Add improved error reporting using dolfin_error
Use Boost to compute Legendre polynolials
Remove ode code
Handle parsing of unrecognized command-line parameters
All const std::vector<foo>& now return a read-only NumPy array
Make a robust macro for generating a NumPy array from data
Exposing low level fem functionality to Python, by adding a Cell -> ufc::cell typemap
Added ufl_cell as a method to Mesh in Python interface
Fix memory leak in Zoltan interface
Remove some ‘new’ for arrays in favour of std::vector
Added cell as an optional argument to Constant
Prevent the use of non contiguous NumPy arrays for most typemaps
Point can now be used to evaluate a Function or Expression in Python
Fixed dimension check for Function and Expression eval in Python
Fix compressed VTK output for tensors in 2D
0.9.11 [2011-05-16]¶
Change license from LGPL v2.1 to LGPL v3 or later
Moved meshconverter to dolfin_utils
Add support for conversion of material markers for Gmsh meshes
Add support for point sources (class PointSource)
Rename logging –> set_log_active
Add parameter “clear_on_write” to TimeSeries
Add support for input/output of nested parameter sets
Check for dimensions in linear solvers
Add support for automated error control for variational problems
Add support for refinement of MeshFunctions after mesh refinement
Change order of test and trial spaces in Form constructors
Make SWIG version >= 2.0 a requirement
Recognize subdomain data in Assembler from both Form and Mesh
Add storage for subdomains (cell_domains etc) in Form class
Rename MeshData “boundary facet cells” –> “boundary_facet_cells”
Rename MeshData “boundary facet numbers” –> “boundary_facet_numbers”
Rename MeshData “boundary indicators” –> “boundary_indicators”
Rename MeshData “exterior facet domains” –> “exterior_facet_domains”
Updates for UFC 2.0.1
Add FiniteElement::evaluate_basis_derivatives_all
Add support for VTK output of facet-based MeshFunctions
Change default log level from PROGRESS to INFO
Add copy functions to FiniteElement and DofMap
Simplify DofMap
Interpolate vector values when reading from time series
0.9.10 [2011-02-23]¶
Updates for UFC 2.0.0
Handle TimeSeries stored backward in time (automatic reversal)
Automatic storage of hierarchy during refinement
Remove directory/library ‘main’, merged into ‘common’
dolfin_init –> init, dolfin_set_precision –> set_precision
Remove need for mesh argument to functional assembly when possible
Add function set_output_stream
Add operator () for evaluation at points for Function/Expression in C++
Add abs() to GenericVector interface
Fix bug for local refinement of manifolds
Interface change: VariationalProblem now takes: a, L or F, (dF)
Map linear algebra objects to processes consistently with mesh partition
Lots of improvemenst to parallel assembly, dof maps and linear algebra
Add lists supported_elements and supported_elements_for_plotting in Python
Add script dolfin-plot for plotting meshes and elements from the command-line
Add support for plotting elements from Python
Add experimental OpenMP assembler
Thread-safe fixed in Function class
Make GenericFunction::eval thread-safe (Data class removed)
Optimize and speedup topology computation (mesh.init())
Add function Mesh::clean() for cleaning out auxilliary topology data
Improve speed and accuracy of timers
Fix bug in 3D uniform mesh refinement
Add built-in meshes UnitTriangle and UnitTetrahedron
Only create output directories when they don’t exist
Make it impossible to set the linear algebra backend to something illegal
Overload value_shape instead of dim for userdefined Python Expressions
Permit unset parameters
Search only for BLAS library (not cblas.h)
0.9.9 [2010-09-01]¶
Change build system to CMake
Add named MeshFunctions: VertexFunction, EdgeFunction, FaceFunction, FacetFunction, CellFunction
Allow setting constant boundary conditions directly without using Constant
Allow setting boundary conditions based on string (“x[0] == 0.0”)
Create missing directories if specified as part of file names
Allow re-use of preconditioners for most backends
Fixes for UMFPACK solver on some 32 bit machines
Provide access to more Hypre preconditioners via PETSc
Updates for SLEPc 3.1
Improve and implement re-use of LU factorizations for all backends
Fix bug in refinement of MeshFunctions
0.9.8 [2010-07-01]¶
Optimize and improve StabilityAnalysis.
Use own implementation of binary search in ODESolution (takes advantage of previous values as initial guess)
Improve reading ODESolution spanning multiple files
Dramatic speedup of progress bar (and algorithms using it)
Fix bug in writing meshes embedded higher dimensions to M-files
Zero vector in uBLASVector::resize() to fix spurious bug in Krylov solver
Handle named fields (u.rename()) in VTK output
Bug fix in computation of FacetArea for tetrahedrons
Add support for direct plotting of Dirichlet boundary conditions: plot(bc)
Updates for PETSc 3.1
Add relaxation parameter to NewtonSolver
Implement collapse of renumbered dof maps (serial and parallel)
Simplification of DofMapBuilder for parallel dof maps
Improve and simplify DofMap
Add Armadillo dependency for dense linear algebra
Remove LAPACKFoo wrappers
Add abstract base class GenericDofMap
Zero small values in VTK output to avoid VTK crashes
Handle MeshFunction/markers in homogenize bc
Make preconditioner selectable in VariationalProblem (new parameter)
Read/write meshes in binary format
Add parameter “use_ident” in DirichletBC
Issue error by default when solvers don’t converge (parameter “error_on_convergence”)
Add option to print matrix/vector for a VariationalProblem
Trilinos backend now works in parallel
Remove Mesh refine members functions. Use free refine(…) functions instead
Remove AdapativeObjects
Add Stokes demo using the MINI element
Interface change: operator+ now used to denote enriched function spaces
Interface change: operator+ –> operator* for mixed elements
Add option ‘allow_extrapolation’ useful when interpolating to refined meshes
Add SpatialCoordinates demo
Add functionality for accessing time series sample times: vector_times(), mesh_times()
Add functionality for snapping mesh to curved boundaries during refinement
Add functionality for smoothing the boundary of a mesh
Speedup assembly over exterior facets by not using BoundaryMesh
Mesh refinement improvements, remove unecessary copying in Python interface
Clean PETSc and Epetra Krylov solvers
Add separate preconditioner classes for PETSc and Epetra solvers
Add function ident_zeros for inserting one on diagonal for zero rows
Add LU support for Trilinos interface
0.9.7 [2010-02-17]¶
Add support for specifying facet orientation in assembly over interior facets
Allow user to choose which LU package PETScLUSolver uses
Add computation of intersection between arbitrary mesh entities
Random access to MeshEntitiyIterators
Modify SWIG flags to prevent leak when using SWIG director feature
Fix memory leak in std::vector<Foo*> typemaps
Add interface for SCOTCH for parallel mesh partitioning
Bug fix in SubDomain::mark, fixes bug in DirichletBC based on SubDomain::inside
Improvements in time series class, recognizing old stored values
Add FacetCell class useful in algorithms iterating over boundary facets
Rename reconstruct –> extrapolate
Remove GTS dependency
0.9.6 [2010-02-03]¶
Simplify access to form compiler parameters, now integrated with global parameters
Add DofMap member function to return set of dofs
Fix memory leak in the LA interface
Do not import cos, sin, exp from NumPy to avoid clash with UFL functions
Fix bug in MTL4Vector assignment
Remove sandbox (moved to separate repository)
Remove matrix factory (dolfin/mf)
Update .ufl files for changes in UFL
Added swig/import/foo.i for easy type importing from dolfin modules
Allow optional argument cell when creating Expression
Change name of Expression argument cpparg –> cppcode
Add simple constructor (dim0, dim1) for C++ matrix Expressions
Add example demonstrating the use of cpparg (C++ code in Python)
Add least squares solver for dense systems (wrapper for DGELS)
New linear algebra wrappers for LAPACK matrices and vectors
Experimental support for reconstruction of higher order functions
Modified interface for eval() and inside() in C++ using Array
Introduce new Array class for simplified wrapping of arrays in SWIG
Improved functionality for intersection detection
Re-implementation of intersection detection using CGAL
0.9.5 [2009-12-03]¶
Set appropriate parameters for symmetric eigenvalue problems with SLEPc
Fix for performance regression in recent uBLAS releases
Simplify Expression interface: f = Expression(“sin(x[0])”)
Simplify Constant interface: c = Constant(1.0)
Fix bug in periodic boundary conditions
Add simple script dolfin-tetgen for generating DOLFIN XML meshes from STL
Make XML parser append/overwrite parameter set when reading parameters from file
Refinement of function spaces and automatic interpolation of member functions
Allow setting global parameters for Krylov solver
Fix handling of Constants in Python interface to avoid repeated JIT compilation
Allow simple specification of subdomains in Python without needing to subclass SubDomain
Add function homogenize() for simple creation of homogeneous BCs from given BCs
Add copy constructor and possibility to change value for DirichletBC
Add simple wrapper for ufl.cell.n. FacetNormal(mesh) now works again in Python.
Support apply(A), apply(b) and apply(b, x) in PeriodicBC
Enable setting spectral transformation for SLEPc eigenvalue solver
0.9.4 [2009-10-12]¶
Remove set, get and operator() methods from MeshFunction
Added const and none const T &operator[uint/MeshEntity] to MeshFunction
More clean up in SWIG interface files, remove global renames and ignores
Update Python interface to Expression, with extended tests for value ranks
Removed DiscreteFunction class
Require value_shape and geometric_dimension in Expression
Introduce new class Expression replacing user-defined Functions
interpolate_vertex_values –> compute_vertex_values
std::map<std::string, Coefficient> replaces generated CoefficientSet code
Cleanup logic in Function class as a result of new Expression class
Introduce new Coefficient base class for form coefficients
Replace CellSize::min,max by Mesh::hmin,hmax
Use MUMPS instead of UMFPACK as default direct solver in both serial and parallel
Fix bug in SystemAssembler
Remove support for PETSc 2.3 and support PETSc 3.0.0 only
Remove FacetNormal Function. Use UFL facet normal instead.
Add update() function to FunctionSpace and DofMap for use in adaptive mesh refinement
Require mesh in constructor of functionals (C++) or argument to assemble (Python)
0.9.3 [2009-09-25]¶
Add global parameter “ffc_representation” for form representation in FFC JIT compiler
Make norm() function handle both vectors and functions in Python
Speedup periodic boundary conditions and make work for mixed (vector-valued) elements
Add possibilities to use any number numpy array when assigning matrices and vectors
Add possibilities to use any integer numpy array for indices in matrices and vectors
Fix for int typemaps in PyDOLFIN
Split mult into mult and transpmult
Filter out PETSc argument when parsing command-line parameters
Extend comments to SWIG interface files
Add copyright statements to SWIG interface files (not finished yet)
Add typemaps for misc std::vector<types> in PyDOLFIN
Remove dependencies on std_vector.i reducing SWIG wrapper code size
Use relative %includes in dolfin.i
Changed names on SWIG interface files dolfin_foo.i -> foo.i
Add function interpolate() in Python interface
Fix typmaps for uint in python 2.6
Use TypeError instead of ValueError in typechecks in typmaps.i
Add in/out shared_ptr<Epetra_FEFoo> typemaps for PyDOLFIN
Fix JIT compiling in parallel
Add a compile_extension_module function in PyDOLFIN
Fix bug in Python vector assignment
Add support for compressed base64 encoded VTK files (using zlib)
Add support for base64 encoded VTK files
Experimental support for parallel assembly and solve
Bug fix in project() function, update to UFL syntax
Remove disp() functions and replace by info(foo, true)
Add fem unit test (Python)
Clean up SystemAssembler
Enable assemble_system through PyDOLFIN
Add ‘norm’ to GenericMatrix
Efficiency improvements in NewtonSolver
Rename NewtonSolver::get_iteration() to NewtonSolver::iteration()
Improvements to EpetraKrylovSolver::solve
Add constructor Vector::Vector(const GenericVector& x)
Remove SCons deprecation warnings
Memory leak fix in PETScKrylovSolver
Rename dolfin_assert -> assert and use C++ version
Fix debug/optimise flags
Remove AvgMeshSize, InvMeshSize, InvFacetArea from SpecialFunctions
Rename MeshSize -> CellSize
Rewrite parameter system with improved support for command-line parsing, localization of parameters (per class) and usability from Python
Remove OutflowFacet from SpecialFunctions
Rename interpolate(double*) –> interpolate_vertex_values(double*)
Add Python version of Cahn-Hilliard demo
Fix bug in
Permit interpolation of functions between non-matching meshes
Remove Function::Function(std::string filename)
Transition to new XML io
Remove GenericSparsityPattern::sort
Require sorted/unsorted parameter in SparsityPattern constructor
Improve performance of SparsityPattern::insert
Replace enums with strings for linear algebra and built-in meshes
Allow direct access to Constant value
Initialize entities in MeshEntity constructor automatically and check range
Add unit tests to the memorycheck
Add call to clean up libxml2 parser at exit
Remove unecessary arguments in DofMap member functions
Remove reference constructors from DofMap, FiniteElement and FunctionSpace
Use a shared_ptr to store the mesh in DofMap objects
Interface change for wrapper code: PoissonBilinearForm –> Poisson::BilinearForm
Add function info_underline() for writing underlined messages
Rename message() –> info() for “compatibility” with Python logging module
Add elementwise multiplication in GeneriVector interface
GenericVector interface in PyDOLFIN now support the sequence protocol
Rename of camelCaps functions names: fooBar –> foo_bar Note: mesh.numVertices() –> mesh.num_vertices(), mesh.numCells() –> mesh.num_cells()
Add slicing capabilities for GenericMatrix interface in PyDOLFIN (only getitem)
Add slicing capabilities for GenericVector interface in PyDOLFIN
Add sum to GenericVector interface
0.9.2 [2009-04-07]¶
Enable setting parameters for Newton solver in VariationalProblem
Simplified and improved implementation of C++ plotting, calling Viper on command-line
Remove precompiled elements and projections
Automatically interpolate user-defined functions on assignment
Add new built-in function MeshCoordinates, useful in ALE simulations
Add new constructor to Function class, Function(V, “vector.xml”)
Remove class Array (using std::vector instead)
Add vector_mapping data to MeshData
Use std::vector instead of Array in MeshData
Add assignment operator and copy constructor for MeshFunction
Add function mesh.move(other_mesh) for moving mesh according to matching mesh (for FSI)
Add function mesh.move(u) for moving mesh according to displacement function (for FSI)
Add macro dolfin_not_implemented()
Add new interpolate() function for interpolation of user-defined function to discrete
Make _function_space protected in Function
Added access to crs data from python for uBLAS and MTL4 backend
0.9.1 [2009-02-17]¶
Check Rectangle and Box for non-zero dimensions
ODE solvers now solve the dual problem
New class SubMesh for simple extraction of matching meshes for sub domains
Improvements of multiprecision ODE solver
Fix Function class copy constructor
Bug fixes for errornorm(), updates for new interface
Interface update for MeshData: createMeshFunction –> create_mesh_function etc
Interface update for Rectangle and Box
Add elastodynamics demo
Fix memory leak in IntersectionDetector/GTSInterface
Add check for swig version, in jit and compile functions
Bug fix in dolfin-order script for gzipped files
Make shared_ptr work across C++/Python interface
Replace std::tr1::shared_ptr with boost::shared_ptr
Bug fix in transfinite mean-value interpolation
Less annoying progress bar (silent when progress is fast)
Fix assignment operator for MeshData
Improved adaptive mesh refinement (recursive Rivara) producing better quality meshes
0.9.0 [2009-01-05]¶
Cross-platform fixes
PETScMatrix::copy fix
Some Trilinos fixes
Improvements in MeshData class
Do not use initial guess in Newton solver
Change OutflowFacet to IsOutflowFacet and change syntax
Used shared_ptr for underling linear algebra objects
Cache subspaces in FunctionSpace
Improved plotting, now support plot(grad(u)), plot(div(u)) etc
Simple handling of JIT-compiled functions
Sign change (bug fix) in increment for Newton solver
New class VariationalProblem replacing LinearPDE and NonlinearPDE
Parallel parsing and partitioning of meshes (experimental)
Add script dolfin-order for ordering mesh files
Add new class SubSpace (replacing SubSystem)
Add new class FunctionSpace
Complete redesign of Function class hierarchy, now a single Function class
Increased use of shared_ptr in Function, FunctionSpace, etc
New interface for boundary conditions, form not necessary
Allow simple setting of coefficient functions based on names (not their index)
Don’t order mesh automatically, meshes must now be ordered explicitly
Simpler definition of user-defined functions (constructors not necessary)
Make mesh iterators const to allow for const-correct Mesh code
0.8.1 [2008-10-20]¶
Add option to use ML multigrid preconditioner through PETSc
Interface change for ODE solvers: uBLASVector –> double*
Remove homotopy solver
Remove typedef real, now using plain double instead
Add various operators -=, += to GenericMatrix
Don’t use -Werror when compiling SWIG generated code
Remove init(n) and init(m, n) from GenericVector/Matrix. Use resize and zero instead
Add new function is_combatible() for checking compatibility of boundary conditions
Use x as initial guess in Krylov solvers (PETSc, uBLAS, ITL)
Add new function errornorm()
Add harmonic ALE mesh smoothing
Refinements of Graph class
Add CholmodCholeskySlover (direct solver for symmetric matrices)
Implement application of Dirichlet boundary conditions within assembly loop
Improve efficiency of SparsityPattern
Allow a variable number of smoothings
Add class Table for pretty-printing of tables
Add experimental MTL4 linear algebra backend
Add OutflowFacet to SpecialFunctions for DG transport problems
Remove unmaintained OpenDX file format
Fix problem with mesh smoothing near nonconvex corners
Simple projection of functions in Python
Add file format: XYZ for use with Xd3d
Add built-in meshes: UnitCircle, Box, Rectangle, UnitSphere
0.8.0 [2008-06-23]¶
Fix input of matrix data from XML
Add function normalize()
Integration with VMTK for reading DOLFIN XML meshes produced by VMTK
Extend mesh XML format to handle boundary indicators
Add support for attaching arbitrarily named data to meshes
Add support for dynamically choosing the linear algebra backend
Add Epetra/Trilinos linear solvers
Add setrow() to matrix interface
Add new solver SingularSolver for solving singular (pressure) systems
Add MeshSize::min(), max() for easy computation of smallest/largest mesh size
LinearSolver now handles all backends and linear solvers
Add access to normal in Function, useful for inflow boundary conditions
Remove GMRES and LU classes, use solve() instead
Improve solve() function, now handles both LU and Krylov + preconditioners
Add ALE mesh interpolation (moving mesh according to new boundary coordinates)
0.7.3 [2008-04-30]¶
Add support for Epetra/Trilinos
Bug fix for order of values in interpolate_vertex_values, now according to UFC
Boundary meshes are now always oriented with respect to outward facet normals
Improved linear algebra, both in C++ and Python
Make periodic boundary conditions work in Python
Fix saving of user-defined functions
Improve plotting
Simple computation of various norms of functions from Python
Evaluation of Functions at arbitrary points in a mesh
Fix bug in assembling over exterior facets (subdomains were ignored)
Make progress bar less annoying
New scons-based build system replaces autotools
Fix bug when choosing iterative solver from Python
0.7.2 [2008-02-18]¶
Improve sparsity pattern generator efficiency
Dimension-independent sparsity pattern generator
Add support for setting strong boundary values for DG elements
Add option setting boundary conditions based on geometrical search
Check UMFPACK return argument for warnings/errors
Simplify setting simple Dirichlet boundary conditions
Much improved integration with FFC in PyDOLFIN
Caching of forms by JIT compiler now works
Updates for UFC 1.1
Catch exceptions in PyDOLFIN
Work on linear algebra interfaces GenericTensor/Matrix/Vector
Add linear algebra factory (backend) interface
Add support for 1D meshes
Make Assembler independent of linear algebra backend
Add manager for handling sub systems (PETSc and MPI)
Add parallel broadcast of Mesh and MeshFunction
Add experimental support for parallel assembly
Use PETSc MPI matrices when running in parallel
Add predefined functions FacetNormal and AvgMeshSize
Add left/right/crisscross options for UnitSquare
Add more Python demos
Add support for Exodus II format in dolfin-convert
Autogenerate docstrings for PyDOLFIN
Various small bug fixes and improvements
0.7.1 [2007-08-31]¶
Integrate FFC form language into PyDOLFIN
Just-in-time (JIT) compilation of variational forms
Conversion from from Diffpack grid format to DOLFIN XML
Name change: BoundaryCondition –> DirichletBC
Add support for periodic boundary conditions: class PeriodicBC
Redesign default linear algebra interface (Matrix, Vector, KrylovSolver, etc)
Add function to return Vector associated with a DiscreteFunction
0.7.0-1 [2007-06-22]¶
Recompile all forms with latest FFC release
Remove typedefs SparseMatrix and SparseVector
Fix includes in LinearPDE
Rename DofMaps -> DofMapSet
0.7.0 [2007-06-20]¶
Move to UFC interface for code generation
Major rewrite, restructure, cleanup
Add support for Brezzi-Douglas-Marini (BDM) elements
Add support for Raviart-Thomas (RT) elements
Add support for Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods
Add support for mesh partitioning (through SCOTCH)
Handle both UMFPACK and UFSPARSE
Local mesh refinement
Mesh smoothing
Built-in plotting (through Viper)
Cleanup log system
Numerous fixes for mesh, in particular MeshFunction
Much improved Python bindings for mesh
Fix Python interface for vertex and cell maps in boundary computation
0.6.4 [2006-12-01]¶
Switch from Python Numeric to Python NumPy
Improved mesh Python bindings
Add input/output support for MeshFunction
Change Mesh::vertices() –> Mesh::coordinates()
Fix bug in output of mesh to MATLAB format
Add plasticty module (experimental)
Fix configure test for Python dev (patch from Åsmund Ødegård)
Add mesh benchmark
Fix memory leak in mesh (data not deleted correctly in MeshTopology)
Fix detection of curses libraries
Remove Tecplot output format
0.6.3 [2006-10-27]¶
Move to new mesh library
Remove dolfin-config and move to pkg-config
Remove unused classes PArray, PList, Table, Tensor
Visualization of 2D solutions in OpenDX is now supported (3D supported before)
Add support for evaluation of functionals
Fix bug in Vector::sum() for uBLAS vectors
0.6.2-1 [2006-09-06]¶
Fix compilation error when using –enable-petsc (dolfin::uBLASVector::PETScVector undefined)
0.6.2 [2006-09-05]¶
Finish chapter in manual on linear algebra
Enable PyDOLFIN by default, use –disable-pydolfin to disable
Disable PETSc by default, use –enable-petsc to enable
Modify ODE solver interface for u0() and f()
Add class ConvectionMatrix
Readd classes LoadVector, MassMatrix, StiffnessMatrix
Add matrix factory for simple creation of standard finite element matrices
Collect static solvers in LU and GMRES
Bug fixes for Python interface PyDOLFIN
Enable use of direct solver for ODE solver (experimental)
Remove demo bistable
Restructure and cleanup linear algebra
Use UMFPACK for LU solver with uBLAS matrix types
Add templated wrapper class for different uBLAS matrix types
Add ILU preconditioning for uBLAS matrices
Add Krylov solver for uBLAS sparse matrices (GMRES and BICGSTAB)
Add first version of new mesh library (NewMesh, experimental)
Add Parametrized::readParameters() to trigger reading of values on set()
Remove output of zeros in Octave matrix file format
Use uBLAS-based vector for Vector if PETSc disabled
Add wrappers for uBLAS compressed_matrix class
Compute eigenvalues using SLEPc (an extension of PETSc)
Clean up assembly and linear algebra
Add function to solve Ax = b for dense matrices and dense vectors
Make it possible to compile without PETSc (–disable-petsc)
Much improved ODE solvers
Complete multi-adaptive benchmarks reaction and wave
Assemble boundary integrals
FEM class cleaned up.
Fix multi-adaptive benchmark problem reaction
Small fixes for Intel C++ compiler version 9.1
Test for Intel C++ compiler and configure appropriately
Add new classes DenseMatrix and DenseVector (wrappers for ublas)
Fix bug in conversion from Gmsh format
0.6.1 [2006-03-28]¶
Regenerate build system in makedist script
Update for new FFC syntax: BasisFunction –> TestFunction, TrialFunction
Fixes for conversion script dolfin-convert
Initial cleanups and fixes for ODE solvers
Numerous small fixes to improve portability
Remove dolfin:: qualifier on output << in Parameter.h
Don’t use anonymous classes in demos, gives errors with some compilers
Remove KrylovSolver::solver()
Fix bug in convection-diffusion demo (boundary condition for pressure), use direct solver
LinearPDE and NewonSolver use umfpack LU solver by default (if available) when doing direct solve
Set PETSc matrix type through Matrix constructor
Allow linear solver and preconditioner type to be passed to NewtonSolver
Fix bug in Stokes demos (wrong boundary conditions)
Cleanup Krylov solver
Remove KrylovSolver::setPreconditioner() etc. and move to constructors
Remove KrylovSolver::setRtol() etc. and replace with parameters
Fix remaining name changes: noFoo() –> numFoo()
Add Cahn-Hilliard equation demo
NewtonSolver option to use residual or incremental convergence criterion
Add separate function to nls to test for convergence of Newton iterations
Fix bug in dolfin-config (wrong version number)
0.6.0 [2006-03-01]¶
Fix bug in XML output format (writing multiple objects)
Fix bug in XML matrix output format (handle zero rows)
Add new nonlinear PDE demo
Restructure PDE class to use envelope-letter design
Add precompiled finite elements for q <= 5
Add FiniteElementSpec and factor function for FiniteElement
Add input/output of Function to DOLFIN XML
Name change: dof –> node
Name change: noFoo() –> numFoo()
Add conversion from gmsh format in dolfin-convert script
Updates for PETSc 2.3.1
Add new type of Function (constant)
Simplify use of Function class
Add new demo Stokes + convection-diffusion
Add new demo Stokes (equal-order stabilized)
Add new demo Stokes (Taylor-Hood)
Add new parameter for KrylovSolvers: “monitor convergence”
Add conversion script dolfin-convert for various mesh formats
Add new demo elasticity
Move poisson demo to src/demo/pde/poisson
Move to Mercurial (hg) from CVS
Use libtool to build libraries (including shared)
0.5.12 [2006-01-12]¶
Make Stokes solver dimension independent (2D/3D)
Make Poisson solver dimension independent (2D/3D)
Fix sparse matrix output format for MATLAB
Modify demo problem for Stokes, add exact solution and compute error
Change interface for boundary conditions: operator() –> eval()
Add two benchmark problems for the Navier-Stokes solver
Add support for 2D/3D selection in Navier-Stokes solver
Move tic()/toc() to timing.h
Navier-Stokes solver back online
Make Solver a subclass of Parametrized
Add support for localization of parameters
Redesign of parameter system
0.5.11 [2005-12-15]¶
Add script monitor for monitoring memory usage
Remove meminfo.h (not portable)
Remove dependence on parameter system in log system
Don’t use drand48() (not portable)
Don’t use strcasecmp() (not portable)
Remove sysinfo.h and class System (not portable)
Don’t include <sys/utsname.h> (not portable)
Change ::show() –> ::disp() everywhere
Clean out old quadrature classes on triangles and tetrahedra
Clean out old sparse matrix code
Update chapter on Functions in manual
Use std::map to store parameters
Implement class KrylovSolver
Name change: Node –> Vertex
Add nonlinear solver demos
Add support for picking sub functions and components of functions
Update interface for FiniteElement for latest FFC version
Improve and restructure implementation of the Function class
Dynamically adjust safety factor during integration
Improve output Matrix::disp()
Check residual at end of time step, reject step if too large
Implement Vector::sum()
Implement nonlinear solver
New option for ODE solver: “save final solution” –>
New ODE test problem: reaction
Fixes for automake 1.9 (nobase_include_HEADERS)
Reorganize build system, remove fake install and require make install
Add checks for non-standard PETSc component HYPRE in NSE solver
Make GMRES solver return the number of iterations
Add installation script for Python interface
Add Matrix Market format (Haiko Etzel)
Automatically reinitialize GMRES solver when system size changes
Implement cout << for class Vector
0.5.10 [2005-10-11]¶
Modify ODE solver interface: add T to constructor
Fix compilation on AMD 64 bit systems (add -fPIC)
Add new BLAS mode for form evaluation
Change enum types in File to lowercase
Change default file type for .m to Octave
Add experimental Python interface PyDOLFIN
Fix compilation for gcc 4.0
0.5.9 [2005-09-23]¶
Add Stokes module
Support for arbitrary mixed elements through FFC
VTK output interface now handles time-dependent functions automatically
Fix cout for empty matrix
Change dolfin_start() –> dolfin_end()
Add chapters to manual: about, log system, parameters, reference elements, installation, contributing, license
Use new template fenicsmanual.cls for manual
Add compiler flag -U__STRICT_ANSI__ when compiling under Cygwin
Add class EigenvalueSolver
0.5.8 [2005-07-05]¶
Add new output format Paraview/VTK (Garth N. Wells)
Update Tecplot interface
Move to PETSc 2.3.0
Complete support for general order Lagrange elements in triangles and tetrahedra
Add test problem in src/demo/fem/convergence/ for general Lagrange elements
Make FEM::assemble() estimate the number of nonzeros in each row
Implement Matrix::init(M, N, nzmax)
Add Matrix::nz(), Matrix::nzsum() and Matrix::nzmax()
Improve Mesh::disp()
Add FiniteElement::disp() and FEM::disp() (useful for debugging)
Remove old class SparseMatrix
Change FEM::setBC() –> FEM::applyBC()
Change Mesh::tetrahedrons –> Mesh::tetrahedra
Implement Dirichlet boundary conditions for tetrahedra
Implement Face::contains(const Point& p)
Add test for shape dimension of mesh and form in FEM::assemble()
Move src/demo/fem/ demo to src/demo/fem/simple/
Add README file in src/demo/poisson/ (simple manual)
Add simple demo program src/demo/poisson/
Update computation of alignment of faces to match FFC/FIAT
0.5.7 [2005-06-23]¶
Clean up ODE test problems
Implement automatic detection of sparsity pattern from given matrix
Clean up homotopy solver
Implement automatic computation of Jacobian
Add support for assembly of non-square systems (Andy Terrel)
Make ODE solver report average number of iterations
Make progress bar write first update at 0%
Initialize all values of u before solution in multi-adaptive solver, not only components given by dependencies
Allow user to modify and verify a converging homotopy path
Make homotopy solver save a list of the solutions
Add Matrix::norm()
Add new test problem for CES economy
Remove cast from Parameter to const char* (use std::string)
Make solution data filename optional for homotopy solver
Append homotopy solution data to file during solution
Add dolfin::seed(int) for optionally seeding random number generator
Remove dolfin::max,min (use std::max,min)
Add polynomial-integer (true polynomial) form of general CES system
Compute multi-adaptive efficiency index
Updates for gcc 4.0 (patches by Garth N. Wells)
Add Matrix::mult(const real x[], uint row) (temporary fix, assumes uniprocessor case)
Add Matrix::mult(const Vector& x, uint row) (temporary fix, assumes uniprocessor case)
Update shortcuts MassMatrix and StiffnessMatrix to new system
Add missing friend to Face.h (reported by Garth N. Wells)
0.5.6 [2005-05-17]¶
Implementation of boundary conditions for general order Lagrange (experimental)
Use interpolation function automatically generated by FFC
Put computation of map into class AffineMap
Clean up assembly
Use dof maps automatically generated by FFC (experimental)
Modify interface FiniteElement for new version of FFC
Update ODE homotopy test problems
Add cross product to class Point
Sort mesh entities locally according to ordering used by FIAT and FFC
Add new format for dof maps (preparation for higher-order elements)
Code cleanups: NewFoo –> Foo complete
Updates for new version of FFC (0.1.7)
Bypass log system when finalizing PETSc (may be out of scope)
0.5.5 [2005-04-26]¶
Fix broken log system, curses works again
Much improved multi-adaptive time-stepping
Move elasticity module to new system based on FFC
Add boundary conditions for systems
Improve regulation of time steps
Clean out old assembly classes
Clean out old form classes
Remove kernel module map
Remove kernel module element
Move convection-diffusion module to new system based on FFC
Add iterators for cell neighbors of edges and faces
Implement polynomial for of CES economy
Rename all new linear algebra classes: NewFoo –> Foo
Clean out old linear algebra
Speedup setting of boundary conditions (add MAT_KEEP_ZEROED_ROWS)
Fix bug for option –disable-curses
0.5.4 [2005-03-29]¶
Remove option to compile with PETSc 2.2.0 (2.2.1 required)
Make make install work again (fix missing includes)
Add support for mixing multiple finite elements (through FFC)
Improve functionality of homotopy solver
Simple creation of piecewise linear functions (without having an element)
Simple creation of piecewise linear elements
Add support of automatic creation of simple meshes (unit cube, unit square)
0.5.3 [2005-02-26]¶
Change to PETSc version 2.2.1
Add flag –with-petsc=<path> to configure script
Move Poisson’s equation to system based on FFC
Add support for automatic creation of homotopies
Make all ODE solvers automatically handle complex ODEs: (M) z’ = f(z,t)
Implement version of mono-adaptive solver for implicit ODEs: M u’ = f(u,t)
Implement Newton’s method for multi- and mono-adaptive ODE solvers
Update PETSc wrappers NewVector, NewMatrix, and NewGMRES
Fix initialization of PETSc
Add mono-adaptive cG(q) and dG(q) solvers (experimental)
Implementation of new assebly: NewFEM, using output from FFC
Add access to mesh for nodes, cells, faces and edges
Add Tecplot I/O interface; contributed by Garth N. Wells
0.5.2 [2005-01-26]¶
Benchmarks for DOLFIN vs PETSc (src/demo/form and src/demo/test)
Complete rewrite of the multi-adaptive ODE solver (experimental)
Add wrapper for PETSc GMRES solver
Update class Point with new operators
Complete rewrite of the multi-adaptive solver to improve performance
Add PETSc wrappers NewMatrix and NewVector
Add DOLFIN/PETSc benchmarks
0.5.1 [2004-11-10]¶
Experimental support for automatic generation of forms using FFC
Allow user to supply Jacobian to ODE solver
Add optional test to check if a dependency already exists (Sparsity)
Modify sparse matrix output (Matrix::show())
Add FGMRES solver in new format (patch from eriksv)
Add non-const version of quick-access of sparse matrices
Add linear mappings for simple computation of derivatives
Add check of matrix dimensions for ODE sparsity pattern
Include missing cmath in Function.cpp
0.5.0 [2004-08-18]¶
First prototype of new form evaluation system
New classes Jacobi, SOR, Richardson (preconditioners and linear solvers)
Add integrals on the boundary (ds), partly working
Add maps from boundary of reference cell
Add evaluation of map from reference cell
New Matrix functions: max, min, norm, and sum of rows and columns (erik)
Derivatives/gradients of ElementFunction (coefficients f.ex.) implemented
Enable assignment to all elements of a NewArray
Add functions Boundary::noNodes(), noFaces(), noEdges()
New class GaussSeidel (preconditioner and linear solver)
New classes Preconditioner and LinearSolver
Bug fix for tetrahedral mesh refinement (ingelstrom)
Add iterators for Edge and Face on Boundary
Add functionality to Map: bdet() and cell()
Add connectivity face-cell and edge-cell
New interface for assembly: Galerkin –> FEM
Bug fix for PDE systems of size > 3
0.4.11 [2004-04-23]¶
Add multigrid solver (experimental)
Update manual
Automatic model reduction (experimental)
Fix bug in ParticleSystem (divide by mass)
Improve control of integration (add function ODE::update())
Load/save parameters in XML-format
Add assembly test
Add simple StiffnessMatrix, MassMatrix, and LoadVector
Change dK –> dx
Change dx() –> ddx()
Add support for GiD file format
Add performance tests for multi-adaptivity (both stiff and non-stiff)
First version of Newton for the multi-adaptive solver
Test for Newton for the multi-adaptive solver
Add multi-adaptive solver for the bistable equation
Add BiCGSTAB solver (thsv)
Fix bug in SOR (thsv)
Improved visual program for OpenDX
Fix OpenDX file format for scalar functions
Allow access to samples of multi-adaptive solution
New patch from thsv for gcc 3.4.0 and 3.5.0
Make progress step a parameter
New function ODE::sparse(const Matrix& A)
Access nodes, cells, edges, faces by id
New function Matrix::lump()
Add support for systems (jansson and bengzon)
Add new module wave
Add new module wave-vector
Add new module elasticity
Add new module elasticity-stationary
Multi-adaptive updates
Fix compilation error in LogStream
Fix local Newton iteration for higher order elements
Init matrix to given type
Add output of cG(q) and dG(q) weights in matrix format
Fix numbering of frames from plotslab script
Add png output for plotslab script
Add script for running stiff test problems, plot solutions
Fix bug in MeshInit (node neighbors of node)
Modify output of sysinfo()
Compile with -Wall -Werror -pedantic -ansi -std=c++98 (thsv)
Make all stiff test problems work
Display status report also when using step()
Improve adaptive damping for stiff problems (remove spikes)
Modify Octave/Matlab format for solution data (speed improvement)
Adaptive sampling of solution (optional)
Restructure stiff test problems
Check if value of right-hand side is valid
Modify divergence test in AdaptiveIterationLevel1
Save vectors and matrices from Matlab/Octave (foufas)
Rename writexml.m to xmlmesh.m
Inlining of important functions
Optimize evaluation of elements
Optimize Lagrange polynomials
Optimize sparsity: use stl containers
Optimize choice of discrete residual for multi-adaptive solver
Don’t save solution in benchmark proble
Improve computation of divergence factor for underdamped systems
Don’t check residual on first slab for fixed time step
Decrease largest (default) time step to 0.1
Add missing <cmath> in TimeStepper
Move real into dolfin namespace
Rename function.h to enable compilation under Cygwin
Add new benchmark problem for multi-adaptive solver
Bug fix for ParticleSystem
Initialization of first time step
Improve time step regulation (threshold)
Improve stabilization
Improve TimeStepper interface (Ko Project)
Use iterators instead of recursively calling TimeSlab::update()
Clean up ODESolver
Add iterators for elements in time slabs and element groups
Add -f to creation of symbolic links
Add support for 3D graphics in Octave using Open Inventor (jj)
Stabilization of multi-adaptive solver (experimental)
Improved non-support for curses (–disable-curses)
New class MechanicalSystem for simulating mechanical systems
Save debug info from primal and dual (plotslab.m)
Fix bug in progress bar
Add missing include file in Components.h (kakr)
New function dolfin_end(const char* msg, …)
Move numerical differentiation to RHS
New class Event for limited display of messages
Fix bug in LogStream (large numbers in floating point format)
Specify individual time steps for different components
Compile without warnings
Add -Werror to option enable-debug
Specify individual methods for different components
Fix bug in dGqMethods
Fix bug (delete old block) in ElementData
Add parameters for method and order
New test problem reaction
New class FixedPointIteration
Fix bug in grid refinement
Fix bug in computation of residual (divide by k)
Add automatic generation and solution of the dual problem
Automatic selection of file names for primal and dual
Fix bug in progress bar (TerminalLogger)
Many updates of multi-adaptive solver
Add class ODEFunction
Update function class hierarchies
Move functions to a separate directory
Store multi-adaptive solution binary on disk with cache
First version of multi-adaptive solver working
Clean up file formats
Start changing from int to unsigned int where necessary
Fix bool->int when using stdard in Parameter
Add NewArray and NewList (will replace Array and List)
Initiation of the FEniCS project
Change syntax of mesh files: grid -> mesh
Create symbolic links instead of copying files
Tanganyika -> ODE
Add Heat module
Grid -> Mesh
Move forms and mappings to separate libraries
Fix missing include of DirectSolver.h
Adaptive grid refinement (!)
Add User Manual
Add function dolfin_log() to turn logging on/off
Change from pointers to references for Node, Cell, Edge, Face
Update writexml.m
Add new grid files and rename old grid files
Add configure option –disable-curses
Grid refinement updates
Make OpenDX file format work for grids (output)
Add volume() and diameter() in cell
New classes TriGridRefinement and TetGridRefinement
Add iterators for faces and edges on a boundary
New class GridHierarchy
Use new boundary structure in Galerkin
Make dolfin_start() and dolfin_end() work
Make dolfin_assert() raise segmentation fault for plain text mode
Add configure option –enable-debug
Use autoreconf instead of scripts/preconfigure
Rename ->
New class FaceIterator
New class Face
Move computation of boundary from GridInit to BoundaryInit
New class BoundaryData
New class BoundaryInit
New class Boundary
Make InitGrid compute edges
Add test program for generic matrix in src/demo/la
Clean up Grid classes
Add new class GridRefinementData
Move data from Cell to GenericCell
Make GMRES work with user defined matrix, only mult() needed
GMRES now uses only one function to compute residual()
Change Matrix structure (a modified envelope/letter)
Update script checkerror.m for Poisson
Add function dolfin_info_aptr()
Add cast to element pointer for iterators
Clean up and improve the Tensor class
New class: List
Name change: List -> Table
Name change: ShortList -> Array
Make functions in GridRefinement static
Make functions in GridInit static
Fix bug in GridInit (eriksv)
Add output to OpenDX format for 3D grids
Clean up ShortList class
Clean up List class
New class ODE, Equation replaced by PDE
Add Lorenz test problem
Add new problem type for ODEs
Add new module ode
Work on multi-adaptive ODE solver (lots of new stuff)
Work on grid refinement
Write all macros in LoggerMacros in one line
Add transpose functions to Matrix (Erik)
Update Krylov solver (Erik, Johan)
Add new LU factorization and LU solve (Niklas)
Add benchmark test in src/demo/bench
Add silent logger
Make sure dolfin-config is regenerated every time
Add demo program for cG(q) and dG(q)
Add dG(q) precalc of nodal points and weights
Add cG(q) precalc of nodal points and weights
Fix a bug in (AC_INIT with README)
Add Lagrange polynomials
Add multiplication with transpose
Add scalar products with rows and columns
Add A[i][j] index operator for quick access to dense matrix
Add new Matlab-like syntax like A(i,all) = x or A(3,all) = A(4,all)
Add dolfin_assert() macro enabled if debug is defined
Redesign of Matrix/DenseMatrix/SparseMatrix to use Matrix as common interface
Include missing cmath in Legendre.cpp and GaussianQuadrature.cpp
Add output functionality in DenseMatrix
Add high precision solver to DirectSolver
Clean up error messages in Matrix
Make solvers directly accessible through Matrix and DenseMatrix
Add quadrature (Gauss, Radau, and Lobatto) from Tanganyika
Start merge with Tanganyika
Add support for automatic documentation using doxygen
Update configure scripts
Add greeting at end of compilation
Define version number only in the file
Fix compilation problem (missing depcomp)
Fix bugs in some of the ElementFunction operators
Make convection-diffusion solver work again
Fix bug in integration, move multiplication with the determinant
Fix memory leaks in ElementFunction
Add parameter to choose output format
Make OctaveFile and MatlabFile subclasses of MFile
Add classes ScalarExpressionFunction and VectorExpressionFunction
Make progress bars work cleaner
Get ctrl-c in curses logger
Remove <Problem>Settings-classes and use dolfin_parameter()
Redesign settings to match the structure of the log system
Add vector functions: Function::Vector
Add vector element functions: ElementFunction::Vector
Increased functionality of curses-based interface
Add progress bars to log system
More work on grid refinement
Add new curses based log system
Makefile updates: make install should now work properly
KrylovSolver updates
Preparation for grid refinement
Matrix and Vector updates
Make poisson work again, other modules still not working
Add output format for octave
Fix code to compile with g++-3.2 -Wall -Werror
New operators for Matrix
New and faster GMRES solver (speedup factor 4)
Changed name from SparseMatrix to Matrix
Remove old unused code
Add subdirectory math containing mathematical functions
Better access for A(i,j) += to improve speed in assembling
Add benchmark for linear algebra
New definition of finite element
Add algebra for function spaces
Convert grids in data/grids to xml.gz
Add iterators for Nodes and Cells
Change from .hh to .h
Add operators to Vector class (foufas)
Add dependence on libxml2
Change from .C to .cpp to make Jim happy.
Change input/output functionality to streams
Change to new data structure for Grid
Change to object-oriented API at top level
Add use of C++ namespaces
Complete and major restructuring of the code
Fix compilation error in src/config
Fix name of keyword for convection-diffusion
Fix compilation error (source) on Solaris
Automate build process to simplify addition of new modules
Fix bug in matlab_write_field() (walter)
Fix bug in SparseMatrix::GetCopy() (foufas)
Fix compilation errors on RedHat (thsv)
Fix compilation of problems to use correct compiler
Change default test problems to the ones in the report
Improve memory management using mpatrol for tracking allocations
Change bool to int for va_arg, seems to be a problem with gcc > 3.0
Improve input / output support: GiD, Matlab, OpenDX
Navier-Stokes starting to work again
Add Navier-Stokes 2d
Bug fixes
Add support for 2D problems
Add module convection-diffusion
Add local/global fields in equation/problem
Bug fixes
Navier-Stokes updates (still broken)
0.2.6 [2002-02-19]¶
Navier-Stokes updates (still broken)
Output to matlab format
Add variational formulation with overloaded operators for systems
ShapeFunction/LocalField/FiniteElement according to Scott & Brenner
Add boundary conditions
Poisson seems to work ok
Add GMRES solver
Add CG solver
Add direct solver
Add Poisson solver
Big changes to the organisation of the source tree
Add script
Bug fixes
Remove curses temporarily
Remove all PETSc stuff. Finally!
Gauss-Seidel cannot handle the pressure equation
First GPL release
Remove all of Klas Samuelssons proprietary grid code
Adaptivity and refinement broken, include in next release